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Three Marks Burundi Masha Whole Bean

Three Marks Burundi Masha Whole Bean


8.8oz / 250g Whole Bean

Notes: Red Plum, Marmalade, Sugar Cane

Region: Gihororo, Kayanza

Producer: Masha Washing Station

Varietal: Red Bourbon

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1672 m


From Three Marks:


"Masha coffee washing station shares its name with the sub-hill upon which it stands. The sub-hill is actually more famous for its cattle than its coffee. The name Masha comes from the Kirundi word "amasho", meaning "herds of cattle". The sub-hill has been a crossroad for many herds in the region.


Masha station was built in 1989. The majority of farmers who deliver cherry are subsistence farmers.


Farmers intercrop their trees with food crops and other cash crops to feed and support their families.


All cherry is floated in small buckets as a first step to check quality. After floating, the higher quality cherry is sorted again by hand to remove all damaged, underripe and overripe cherries.


After sorting, cherry is pulped within 6 hours of delivery. During pulping, cherry is separated in to high- and low-grade by density on a Mackinon 3-disc pulper outfitted with an additional separation disk. The coffee is dry fermented for up to 12 hours and then washed in clean water and soaked for 12 to 24 hours.


Parchment is then soaked for an additional 12 to 18 hours before being dried on raised beds for 2 to 3 weeks. Masha station has around 170 drying beds and can process up to 750MT per year."

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